Imanis Life Sciences


NIS Applications

Have you wondered how NIS reporter gene imaging can be integrated into your research? How have other researchers exploited the high resolution 3-D imaging capabilities of NIS and SPECT/PET/CT imaging in small and large animal models? Please click on the flyers below to see how NIS has and can be used in various fields.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss how to incorporate NIS into your research and how it helps to reduce animal usage. Email us at or call us at 507-218-2559. We would love to hear from you! 

Use Fewer Animals

Our Reduction Campaign

At Imanis, we are committed to promoting the practice of the 3Rs in animal research. Learn how we are decreasing the use of animals and research as well as saving up to 15% on your orders. Continue reading...

Use Fewer Animals

Our Reduction Campaign

At Imanis, we are committed to promoting the practice of the 3Rs in animal research. Learn how we are decreasing the use of animals and research as well as saving up to 15% on your orders. Continue reading...

Learning Resources